Instructor: Analisa Soverns-Reed, M.Ed

Contact: [email protected]

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📜 Lecture Description

The Amarna period refers to the reign of 18th Dynasty pharaoh, Akhenaten. He started his reign around 1353 BCE as Amenhotep IV, but changed his name when he uprooted Egypt’s entire religious system. For thousands of years, Egyptians had worshipped a pantheon of gods. But, Akhenaten decreed that worship was going to only be allowed towards one being, the sun disk Aten. During this dramatic and rebellious period, the artistic canon of Egypt also changed! This lecture will cover these changes and how they contrasted with traditional artistic styles of the pharaohs.

📚 Suggested Readings and Resources

These resources are in no way required for understanding or engaging with this lecture! But, I wanted to provide additional resources for those that are curious and provide opportunities for discussion.

The Royal Women of Amarna: Images of Beauty from Ancient Egypt - MetPublications - The Metropolitan Museum of Art